Lessons In Chemistry Book Review

Book review by Dinh

4 stars


I joined a new book club this year and the ladies voted for Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus for our first read! Alas, this would be a re-read for me. I read this book already two years ago when it came out. No matter; I do remember enjoying it immensely.

How did it hold up? This time, I gave it four stars. I enjoyed it a bit more the first time round!

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The Magnificent Lives Of Marjorie Post Book Review

Book reviewed by Dinh.

4.5 stars out of 5 stars

Read the synopsis here.


Upon reading the blurb on the book jacket, I was excited to get started on The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki.

The book cover, with a picture of a woman’s back, suggested that it may have lots of romance and I was hoping that it wasn’t the case! I’m not a big romance genre fan.

So was it worth the read? Yes! I love it when a book exceeds my expectations. This book did just that and more!

Here’s why you should check it out:

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Love Lettering Book Review

Book Review by Dinh.

4.5 stars out of 5 stars

Read synopsis here.


I am not a big romance reader in general and don’t go out of my way to find romance books to read. In recent years I have branched out of my comfort zone and made myself choose a few a year to read.

I mainly get disappointed with romance novels in general but sometimes I hit the jackpot with a good one!

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Two By Two Book Review

Two by Two: Book Review by Dinh.
3 stars out of 5


At 32, Russell Green has it all: a stunning wife, a lovable six year-old daughter, a successful career as an advertising executive and an expansive home in Charlotte. He is living the dream, and his marriage to the bewitching Vivian is the center of that. But underneath the shiny surface of this perfect existence, fault lines are beginning to appear…and no one is more surprised than Russ when he finds every aspect of the life he took for granted turned upside down. Continue reading “Two By Two Book Review”

After You Book Review

After You: Book Review by Dinh.



The conclusion of the first book Me Before You (2012), left a very sad and very emotional ending with the death of Will Traynor.

After You follows Louisa Clark’s life as she struggles to cope with the aftermath of his death.

We find Louisa living in a flat in London, a year and a half after Will’s death. She bought the flat with the money Will had left her. Continue reading “After You Book Review”

Dark Prince Book Review

Dark Prince: Book Review by Dinh.

3 stars out of 5



Raven Whitney is on a needed break from her job as a telepathic hunter of serial killers. Whilst resting at an inn in the Carpathian Mountains, she hears a lonely and desperate voice that gets her attention.

The voice she hears is of Mikhail Dubrinsky, the Dark Prince of the Carpathians. The Carpathians are not a race of human but an immortal race that look like humans and have telepathic powers and the ability to change into animals as well as mist. Continue reading “Dark Prince Book Review”

Voyager Book Review

Voyager: Book Review by Dinh.

5 out of 5 stars

Voyager Book Review


In Dragonfly in Amber, the second book of the Outlander series, we left off with Claire telling Brianna Randall who her real father was and Claire’s adventures as she time traveled to 1745. In Voyager, the 3rd book of the Outlander series we follow Claire and Brianna as they piece together what happened to Jamie Fraser at the battle at Culloden moor. Continue reading “Voyager Book Review”

Dragonfly in Amber Book Review

Dragonfly in Amber: Book Review by Dinh

4.5 stars


Dragonfly in Amber Review






After finishing the first book Outlander I was very keen in reading the second book Dragonfly in Amber and finding out what happens next.

Here’ s the video book review or continue reading by scrolling down.


We ended the first book Outlander, of the Outlander series with Jamie recovering in the abbey, finding out that Claire was pregnant and them setting off to France to thwart the uprising of 1745 and the battle at Culloden Moor. Continue reading “Dragonfly in Amber Book Review”

Me Before You Book Review

Me Before You: Book Review by Dinh

4.5 stars for Me Before You by Jojo Moyes


Me Before You Review






Please enjoy the video of Me Before You Book Review or continue reading!

Me Before You Summary

At 26, Louisa Clark thought of herself as an ordinary girl living an ordinary life which suited her to the ground until she looses her job.

Louisa worked at the Buttered Bun café until it closed down unexpectedly. Now jobless, she is desperate to find a job. Continue reading “Me Before You Book Review”

Outlander Book Review

Outlander: Book Review by Dinh.
5 out of 5 stars
Outlander Book Review

Please enjoy the video of Outlander book review or continue reading!

What is Outlander about?

It is post WW2 and Claire Beauchamp Randall and Frank Randall are re-united after being apart for the war. They travel to Inverness, Scotland to rekindle their love and for Frank to trace his historical roots.

Whilst Frank was on an ancestral search, Claire takes a trip to the highlands to check out the flora. She is into ‘wee plants.’ Continue reading “Outlander Book Review”