Happy holidays readers!
Thank you to all our readers who have supported us. We are so appreciative and wish everyone a Happy Holiday season!
2020 has been a challenging year with Covid-19 restricting our lives as we know it. It has been a difficult year and we wish everyone a safe and great new year. May 2021 be brighter!!
Personally, I am looking forward to spending some time with the kids and hubby over the Christmas holidays. This year will won’t be celebrating with other family members but our thoughts will be with them.

We will be back after the new year with our monthly book club read.
Thank goodness for books that we can escape to!
Please enjoy your family and friends and a big “CHEERS” from us.
Christmas was a smaller affair than usual for us too. But I hope you still had a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your husband and children. And wishing you a brilliant new year with lots of brilliant reads too.
Happy New Year to you Olivia and your family!
I hope this year brings you lots of fun!