Digital Books Vs. Paper Books

My thoughts….

So here’s my thought: Digital Books Vs. Paper BooksKindle ebook

I was recently on the treadmill trying to exercise and read (Gathering Prey by John Sandford) at the same time.

It was a pain in my backside having to hold the hardcover book and exercise simultaneously.

It got me thinking that it would be so much easier if I had the ebook on Kindle. I wouldn’t have to hold the book to stop the page from turning and I could exercise easier.

I have only ever read paper books and I know quite a few people who like to read the digital versions. I can see the benefits of having a kindle vs. real books. It will benefit me greatly on the treadmill!

Digital books are a solution to my problem.

Your thoughts….

I would like to know from you, who will win in the battle: Digital Books Vs. Paper Books. 

Paper Books

In this digital age, which do you prefer to read from?

Please drop a comment  on ebooks vs. paper books in the comments area below.

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37 thoughts on “Digital Books Vs. Paper Books

  1. Dinh,

    What an awesome site. I will be visiting here often.

    I agree. While there is nothing quite like the look and feel (and smell!) of a paper book, there are just times when my Kindle is the obvious choice.

    I still prefer to curl up next to the fire with the “crunchy” pages of a novel from the used book store (old school readers will know what I mean), but there is certainly no denying the convenience of having several dozen books on one handy-dandy little device.

    Take care, and keep up the good work.

    1. Hi James,
      Thanks for the nice compliment about Arlene’s Book Club!

      I agree with you that some times it’s best to use the Kindle. Like you I do like the real paper books. It’s not the same feeling curling up to a nice fire with electronic device.
      Used book stores? Do they still have them? LOL

      Thanks for popping by and I look forward to hearing from you again.
      Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @ArlenesBookClub!

  2. I think that it depends on personal preference and how you like to read books. This was a perfect example because it was easier for you to read a digital book while working out. However, you might like reading a paper book better if you were just lounging at home.

    1. Hi Luke,
      I agree with you that the situation determines what would be suitable to have – a kindle or a paper book. Clearly, I would benefit from reading an eBook when on a treadmill. I like to lounge and read with a real paper book.

      Thanks for dropping by and please do follow us on Twitter @ArlenesBookClub!

  3. Hello Dinh,

    Nice post! I prefer the paper book, for self improvement. And for collection purposes also. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Thanks for your comment Marcy.
      I like having books around too but have to limit them as we have hardly any space for them. The kids stuff have taken over the place!
      Please drop by again!

  4. Hi Dinh,

    I still feel I learn better when I’m not staring at a screen. I do it a lot obviously, but I take my time more and pay closer attention, as well as ignore my surroundings more when I’m holding a book. Takes me back to when I was in high school and I spent a lot of my time reading. The younger generations aren’t growing up with books, but with phones and tablets. Digital will take over more and more. I still think it’s important to keep the hard copies.

    Benjamin Nickel
    CEO & Project Manager
    Nickel SEO

    1. Hi Benjamin,
      thanks for sharing your thoughts.
      I agree with you that the younger generation are reading more digital books than paper books. When you grow up with technology it is inevitable that digital books are growing in popularity and demand. Most people like what they are used to and if that’s eBooks then they will have a preference for that.
      I like paper books and think that we should have copies of them. Young children will benefit greatly from real books. Children learn more from paper books than digital books.

      Please drop by again!

  5. I’m torn. I like the convenience of being able to carry a thousand books on a single electronic device without breaking my back. However, nothing still beats feeling the pages of a paperback as I turn them, and breathing in the lovely papery smell of the book.

    1. Hi Sienna,
      Thanks for your comments.
      I like digital books for their convenience like everyone else. eBooks are only as heavy as the device.
      I love holding a paper book in my hand and reading at my leisure like that. I totally agree with you that it’s so nice to be able to turn the pages!

      Thanks for dropping by The Coffee Shop, please drop by again!

    2. I feel the same way. I love the convenience of having many books in one gadget, but still nothing can beat the sensation of having to hold the pages and smell the paper.

  6. HI Dinh,
    I prefer the traditional way. I feel more connected to the author and story. Also, no worries on battery or charger. 🙂

    1. Hi Bina,
      Thanks for stopping by and joining our conversation.
      There’s something to be said reading from paper books vs. digital books. It’s great to know that you don’t have to worry about batteries and charging up a traditional paper book. That’s one on the cons of having a digital books- you have to remember to charge it!
      Please swing by again! 🙂

  7. Hello – not sure which is easier when you’re on a treadmill – isn’t that a bit dangerous?

    I much prefer using eReaders as my eyesight is getting dodgy with old age. But I doubt you’re that old if you are still capable of standing upright let alone walking on a treadmill. I think that on a treadmill the eReader and I might part company and go in different directions.

    Hope you don’t mind me adding this but my first thoughts were “Ouch”, followed by “Thump” and then “Where’s my book gone now?” as I get up from the floor. Does your gym have nice soft carpets for you to land on?

    Best wishes – Andre

    1. Hi Andre,
      I’ve had a couple of near misses but I am still young and agile so it’s not a problem and not as dangerous as it may seem. Reading and exercising can be a hazard to your health. Ohh, I live dangerously…..

      From your use of vocab, I guess you may be a limey (only Brits use the word dodgy). You’re in good company as I am from Exeter, Devon! Are you an OAP?

      I work out at home so nice carpet to land on if I fall. Don’t you worry, I’ll come by yours and scrape you off the floor if you should fall!

      Thanks for dropping by Andre! See you again 🙂

  8. As an avid reader, I am constantly reading a book. I have them everywhere. When the kindle came out I was a bit apprehensive about it. I eventually caved in and bought one, mostly to see what all the rave was about. I love it. Not only is it small and portable. The best feature is that it can hold more than one book. All my books in my library instead of multiple paperbacks to carry around. I am not too sure how it would work on the treadmill while working out. I would recommend audio books for that. Time to go break out my kindle and continue reading.

    1. Hi Kristie,
      So nice to meet another avid reader!
      Thanks for the suggestion of an audio book. I have not got into that as the opportunity has never presented itself. It’s something to think about.
      I love reading paper books and I guess a digital books was never something I needed until recently. I will let you know how I feel once I get a Kindle….

      Please drop by again!

  9. Paper books all the way!! It’s something about holding that book and turning actual pages…aside from the fact that I spend most of my day staring at a computer or phone or tablet. I don’t want to stare at an electronic device to leisurely read too

    1. Hi Karen!
      You made me laugh. I would not want to look at another screen either if I had to spend the day looking at a digital device! I’ll be a complete zombie if I did that…..

      I like the fact that books are easy to navigate. It’s nice to flip to whatever page you want, go back and forth if you forgot where you were. It’s much hard to do that on an eBook.

      Thanks for stopping by Karen, please join in our chats again!

  10. I will always choose paper for the preservation of knowledge. If there where no batteries or power…….or even the knowledge to open electronic do dads would you not like history learned by our youth?

    1. Hi David,
      Thanks for stopping by. I am glad that you like paper books; I do too.
      I think that it is important to have paper books but I think that having digital versions of it is also good. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
      I think today’s youths will continue the tradition of reading paper books even though there’s a shift towards digital books.
      Please share your thoughts with us again!

  11. Paper books definitely have a special place in my heart and would definitely be the first type of book I would choose If I had to make a choice between paper and virtual! Thank you for this post and your thoughts! 🙂

    1. Hi Johnathan!
      Thanks for swinging by and sharing your thoughts on your preference for paper books vs. digital books.

      I hope to see you at The Coffee Shop again!

  12. There’s nothing like holding a book in your hands, and being able to turn actual pages. You can’t get into bed with a good tablet!! I definitely prefer a book to digital. Having said that…. I swore up and down I would never read a book on any sort of device. Well, I must admit I find it very handy being able to download books from the library, and it’s never heavier than the weight of my tablet. I definitely prefer a “real” book, but I will use my tablet when travelling.

    1. Hi Hindy,
      Thus far, it looks like paper books are winning the battle. Digital books come in handy for most people and I would agree with you that it is easier to have digital books when travelling.
      Thanks for stopping by The Coffee Shop and joining our chat on digital books vs. paper books.

  13. I usually go for Digital; I don’t waste space and paper at home. Best of all I have it on my phone or iPad at all times. That’s what I love most about E-books books on the go.

    1. Hi Nicolas,
      thanks for stopping by at The Coffee Shop and joining in our conversation on Digital books vs. paper books.
      I can appreciate the convenience of e-books and having it on the go. I read usually at home or in the car so I usually leave a book in the car. I have easy access to it when I need it.
      Please drop by again!

  14. Hi Arlene,
    I am from the old school and prefer paperback books. However, with the progression of technology, I am seeing more and more the ease and convenience of digital.

    1. Hello Ronn..Dinh is actually the one who posted the question about Digital vs Paper Books but I thought I would chime in too. I prefer paper. I enjoy holding the actual book and love the beautiful jacket covers. Roaming through bookstores and noticing a great book cover has been a way of introducing myself to authors I would have never discovered.

  15. Hi Arlene. I am a bookworm of note and I have realized I am really old fashioned! I love a real book, nothing better than turning the pages and feeling it between your fingers. OMG do I sounds crazy?
    I also love reading in the bath and I would worry about a kindle in the bath because sometimes I fall asleep while reading… yeah not so great for a book either but at least I can just peg it on the line till it is dry!
    I get what you are saying about the kindle though, plus there are loads more benefits. Like going away on holiday! If you pack 5 books your bag is going to be terribly heavy and bulky. A kindle would be much better suited. Also it is nice to always have something to read if you have to wait somewhere. I would think bringing a kindle with you wherever you go to be a lot more convenient.
    But even so, I love a book!

    1. Hi Lynne
      I am a bookworm too and enjoy holding the actual book. I understand the convenience of digital while traveling or anytime you may want to read and your book is right there. For me though I still prefer the actual book, hard cover or paperback. Thanks for your comments.

  16. I personally prefer a digital book. Reason being it is convenient and space saving. is very good website for sharing of books for different kind of interest. Good job.

    1. Hi Tracy,
      I can understand your reasoning for preferring digital books vs. paper books. It seems that convenience matters to you more.
      I like convenience too but only when I need it to be that.

      Thanks for stopping by at The Coffee shop and sharing your views!

  17. I want to believe hard cover and paper back would win but the fact is most people like technology and have or want a Kindle. I, personally, still prefer to hold a book in my hand. I like the whole experience of reading a good story from having a cup of coffee with it to feeling the books in my hand and the smell of a new book. I also like giving it away once I’m done with it to share the story with a friend or the local library.

    But I understand the ease of having the Kindle read to you when you’re on the treadmill. You can set it down and don’t have to hold it while you walk or run the pounds away.

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more Rawl.
      We are in the digital era and more and more people are reading books, news, and entertainment from a digital device. I think digital books will win soon.
      There are still quite a few of us who like to hold onto a book to read. It’s a sensory thing for me. I like reading to my toddlers and they enjoy touching the books and listening to the story. It wouldn’t be the same on the Kindle.
      I will, however get best of both worlds when I get myself the Kindle Paperwhite that I have been looking into. The convenience of it on the treadmill is priceless.

  18. I honestly have to say I prefer paper books over digital , But I don’t dislike them all together . I like paper books at home , if I’m out some where like let’s say the Dr office I would have to go digital it’s less to carry around when you are out.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Tara.
      I don’t have a Kindle but if I did I would carry it for convenience. Specifically, I was thinking of when I travel.
      I like to read paper books overall but would love to have it on the treadmill!

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